


Department Name Website
 Department of Chinese Literature LINK
 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature LINK
 Department of History LINK
 Department of Philosophy LINK
 Department of Mathematics LINK
 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences LINK
 Department of Physics LINK
 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry LINK
 Department of Biomedical Sciences LINK
 Department of Social Welfare LINK
 Department of Psychology LINK
 Department of Labor Relations LINK
 Department of Political Science LINK
 Department of Communication LINK
 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering LINK
 Department of Electrical Engineering  LINK
 Department of Mechanical Engineering LINK
 Department of Chemical Engineering LINK
 Department of Communicational Engineering LINK
 Department of Economics LINK
 Department of Finance LINK
 Department of Business Administration LINK
 Department of Accounting and Information Technology LINK
 Department of Information Management LINK
 Department of General Law (Science of Law) LINK
 Department of General Law (Legal Institution) LINK
 Department of Financial and Economic Law LINK
 Department of Adult and Continuing Education LINK
 Department of Criminology LINK
 Bachelor Program in Interdisciplinary Studies LINK

※Source: Joint Board of College Recruitment Commission